Pratyush Bharati is an expert in Social Media and Organizations, Green Information Systems, Social Media and Social Movements, International Production of Software and Services, and Diffusion of Information Technologies in SMEs at the Department of Management Science and Information Systems at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. Professor Bharati is a Senior Editor of The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems Journal, An association for (ACM) SIGMIS journal. He is also on the Editorial review board of IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (IEEE-TEM) and was the Past President of the Special Interest Group on Green Information Systems (SIGGreen) of the Association for Information Systems. Professor Bharati has published numerous journal articles on his research, and he received his PhD in management information systems and strategy from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
For more information on Professor Bharati, including his publications, see the following resources:
Website: Pratyush Bharati
Publications: Pratyush Bharati