Paul Kirshen is an expert in Water Resources Engineering and Management, Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment, and Climate Change Adaptation Planning at the School for the Environment at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. He is also the Research Director at the Stone Living Lab, an innovative and collaborative initiative for testing and scaling up nature-based approaches to climate adaptation, coastal resilience, and ecological restoration in the high-energy environment of the Boston Harbor Islands National and State Park.
Professor Kirshen has thirty years of experience serving as principal investigator/ project manager of complex, interdisciplinary, participatory research related to water resources and coastal zone management, and climate variability and change. He has published several journal articles on his research and received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
For more information on Professor Kirshen, including his publications, see the following resources:
Webpage: Paul Kirshen
Publications: Paul Kirshen